Husky Tank Strainers - High Flow Rate, Durable & Lightweight | Husky Portable Containment
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7202 SE International Ct, Bartlesville, OK 74006



Husky® Strainers will meet or exceed the flow rates of any other strainers on the market. Durable and strong, yet lightweight, they are easy to handle.

Barrel Strainers

Husky® Portable Containment Barrel Strainers

Husky® Portable Containment Barrel Strainers are easy to use. Thread on to your hard suction hose and place in the water. There is an eye on top of the strainer to attach a rope or cable to adjust depth. 

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Power Jet Siphons

Husky® Power Jet Siphons

Husky® Power Jet Siphons are built to last and are crucial in water shuttle operations when multiple Husky® Folding Frame Tanks are being utilized. 

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Floating Strainers

Floating Strainer

Husky® Portable Containment Floating Strainers are built with durability, strength and lightweight in mind. They can be used in lakes, streams, swimming pools, portable tanks and many other sources of water. 

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Low-Level Strainers

Husky® Portable Containment Low Level Strainers

Husky® Portable Containment Low Level Strainers are manufactured with an all aluminum construction for durability and lightweight. 

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